Downtown Beaufort

Getting to know Downtown Beaufort

Welcome to Beaufort where we invite you to rediscover our enduring beauty. Our breezes are salty, our tea is sweet, our seafood is savory and the memories you’ll make will live on forever.

From historic homes and churches to live oaks draped in veils of Spanish moss, Beaufort is the jewel of the Lowcountry. It’s known for its antebellum mansions, especially in the downtown historic district. The curving tidal Beaufort River wraps around the 309-year-old downtown and offers up terrific scenery in all directions. The Old Point filled with 18th, 19th, and 20th-century architecture is where you can catch a glimpse of the porches of Tidalholm, aka The Big Chill House, on the waterfront at Laurens Street.

The community draws everyone from artists, retirees, and young families, fishermen, movie makers, and live-aboard sailboat types. Enjoy a stroll along the new Spanish Moss Trail which will one day span 14 miles. The rail-trail greenway project gives terrific water views and already connects downtown Beaufort with neighboring Port Royal.

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