Land's End

Getting to Know Land's End

Land’s End is a lovely and unique part of Beaufort County with some of the most magnificent views in all of Beaufort. Homes located along the Port Royal Sound look across miles of open water to Hilton Head and Parris Island. One of the best kept secrets in Beaufort, is the beach at Fort Freemont, and the fort itself which is worthy of a visit. History abounds everywhere along Lands End Road. A turn off the main highway puts you right in the heart of the Penn Center. This historically significant landmark is the site of the former Penn School, one of the first educational sites for formally enslaved individuals. Penn School was opened in 1862 to teach freedmen and stands today as the first African American site in the state whose primary purpose is to safeguard the heritage of the Gullah Geechie community. As you travel further down Lands End Road you will discover the St. Helena Parish Chapel of Ease Ruins. This is a tabby house of worship built in the mid-1700s for the families who lived on the sea island. A forest fire destroyed the structure in 1886 and it has been in disrepair ever since. Standing sentry at the end of Lands End Road is the Fort Fremont Historical Park. Built in 1889, this fort was one of six forts designed to protect the coast during the Spanish-American War. It now sits in beautiful ruins surrounded by ancient oaks overlooking Port Royal Sound. Homes in Land’s End are in the heart of some of the richest history in South Carolina.

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